[event]Legend Knight Special Bonus Items !!
UniPin Christmas Recharge Event
Priode event : 23 December 2016 – 29 December 2016
Ketentuan :
Recharge melalui UniPin wallet & Express
Bonus In Game akan di berikan max 3 hari setelah event berakhir.
Keterangan Special Bonus :
Recharge a total of 50,000 IDR to receive: 400,000 Gold, Lvl 1 Glyphs Pack *2, Mount Upgrade Stone*2, Wings Tailoring Feather *2;
Recharge a total of 100,000 IDR to receive: 600,000 Gold, Lvl 2 Glyphs Pack *2, Mount Upgrade Stone*3, Wings Tailoring Feather *3;
Recharge a total of 300,000 IDR to receive: 800,000 Gold, Lvl 3 Glyphs Pack *2, Mount Upgrade Stone*4, Wings Tailoring Feather *4;
Recharge a total of 500,000 IDR to receive: 1,000,000 Gold, Lvl 4 Glyphs Pack *2, Mount Upgrade Stone*5, Wings Tailoring Feather *5;
Recharge a total of 1,000,000 IDR to receive: 13,000,000 Gold, Lvl 4 Glyphs Pack *2, Mount Upgrade Stone*6, Wings Tailoring Feather *6;
Tunggu apa lagi sahabat UniPin ? Segera mainkan dan recharge Game Legend Knight mengunakan UniPin, dan dapatkan special items ingame special, Hanya di UniPin !!!!!!
Voucher UniPin bisa dibeli di : www.unipin.co.id/wheretobuy
More Information :
Link game website : http://www.legendknight.com/
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